If You’re Going to Fail, Fail Smart!

You’re really on the path to success when you accept that failure is certain to be part of the journey.

It’s inevitable — we all fail at things all of the time. Ask any entrepreneur, and they will tell you: it doesn’t necessarily get easier. Some failures are massive, life-altering events, but most are smaller setbacks that don’t require that you should go into full red-alert mode.

But both types of failures do have something in common: You can learn from them.

Howard Love said “When it comes to start-ups, I break failure up into two different categories,” Howard tells me. “There’s the failure of the enterprise, which is to be avoided at all costs. And there are the failures that are going to happen to you every day. These failures are going to come at you like a river — they don’t stop. Being in a start-up, you are essentially bumbling from one failure to the next, with a little bit of success in between. That’s just normal.”

So how shall we deal with failure?

Embrace your failure. When a failure comes and your product doesn’t work, you need to embrace that fact – only then you can get on with fixing it and morphing it into something that is going to resonate with consumers. If you deny or fight your failures, it’s likely that your enterprise is going to fail.Accepting your failures and dealing with them in a highly professional, efficient manner is the winning move. Make sure to learn from them and use those lessons to shape what you do in the future.

Be flexible. Always remember your original mission. Remember what got you into this and what excites you. Don’t give up on that, but you need to be highly flexible with the specifics along the way. Learning from your failures means being open to making some changes to your plan or model, not just your product. And that’s okay. Successful entrepreneurship requires a lot of growth and maturation. You don’t get there by refusing to budge. By developing a healthy relationship with your inevitable failures, you will help your business grow smarter. What the biggest thing you’ve learned from a failure, and how did you use that knowledge to shape your business practices?

Believe in yourself!

Believe in your ideas!

Perseverance! Keep up going and.. if you need some support on the way, call us!

Thanks for reading us,

Veronica Bostock


Veronica Bostock -Sophrologist Geneva – English, French, Italian and Spanish speaker