Positive Psychology Consultant

Consultant in positive psychology in Geneva, fluent in french, english, spanish and Italian, and founder of VivreSophro.
Sophrologist experienced in the management of anxious states, that limit the development of the person, she offers coaching sessions based on Sophrology and Laughter Yoga techniques for corporates and individual sessions for adults, teens and kids (ludic sophrology).
Originally from Italy, Veronica has lived in several countries before settling in Geneva, Switzerland, where she has lived for 12 years with her 2 children and her husband.
Holder of a university degree in International Economics, a Master in Business Administration and with knowledge of 4 languages, Veronica has worked in 6 international companies among the largest ones in the world.
Expatriate, mother and “woman in career”, she has lived the daily challenges of modern life until her “encounter” with sophrology.
From then on she changed her way of living her life.
Sophrology, my journey to happiness
Hello and welcome!
If you’re reading this, then there is a reason.
Paul Eluard a French poet once wrote, “Il n’y a pas de hasard, il n’y a que de rendez-vous”. Literally translated as “There are no coincidences, only encounters” which means that events do not happen by chance, everything is down to fate.
This represents in fact my personal experience with Sophrology, an appointment already planned for me even if I did not know about it!
Each one of us has experienced a period in our lives which raised questions with no apparent answers. Or a period which was marked by a feeling of fear and helplessness. I think you understand what I mean.
Well in these periods there is one need that prevails over all others; the need for security.
I realized that we can find this feeling of security only in knowing ourselves: ‘who I am today, what makes me happy, what makes me angry, what I need and what I want.’
What did Sophrology teach me?
I have learned the value of acceptance. There are things that happen which are not under our control. So we need to learn to accept ‘what it is’ (because we cannot act on it, we cannot change it!) to move on and to grasp the future opportunities that life will be offering us.
I learned the value of acceptance which is not the same as ‘giving in’.I learned the harmony that comes from knowing myself. An inner harmony which is now part of me. The inner harmony that when confronted by a junction allows me to make a decision and choose the way to go.
I learned to accept myself and who I am.I learned to look positively at the future and about my ability to change things.
I learned how to move forward with confidence.And what about you? Can you stop running and make some time for yourself?
Some time to learn more about yourself, who you really are with no filters? Some time to stop looking backward at ‘what was’ or ‘what you wanted it to be’? Some time to fully live your life in the present? Some time to see with new eyes everything that is around you, to appreciate the scents, the sounds and the colours of everything which crosses your path?
What if you stop fighting against ‘what you are not happy with’ and instead invest your time from now, from this very moment, to create what you WANT to be?If you’re reading this, then there is a reason.
Remember: “There are no coincidences, only encounters“I was expecting you!
– Veronica Bostock | Founder of VivreSophro
Veronica Bostock – Sophrologist Geneva – English, French, Italian and Spanish speaker
Stress management and burn out prevention
Public speaking
Adaptation to change
Enhance wellbeing in workplaces to enhance efficiency
Mental preparation of the athlete
Diploma in Sophrology issued by the Institut Sophrologie Rhônes Alpes (accredited and part of FEPS Association).
Diploma in Laughter Yoga issued by Institut de Yoga du Rire et Santé (certified by Laughter Yoga teacher training by Dr Madan Kataria).
The power of the voice. Communication skills. The Voice Institute, Geneva
University degree in International Economics
M.B.A. Master in Business Administration
Associations et syndicats.
Member of SSP Syndicat des Sophrologues Professionnels.
Member of ISF International Sophrology Federation.
I am 60 and I have spent a good part of my life “doing” “undoing” and “redoing” I lived with the certainty of knowing how to manage and control everything, with no help needed from anyone. Then comes a day when I was invited to attend a session of sophrology. I was a little skeptical, because I was confident that I was the best in class and nobody could have taught me anything, I attended the session. Immediately I felt comfortable in the group. A deep feeling of appeasement came, I was guided by the only sounds of my breathing and the voice of Veronica and Katia. So I let myself be carried away by another awareness, this time not related to managing or controlling everything … No, the simple awareness of my existence in the world, my body, my senses, my inner strength so often forgotten, I connected back to my inner self.
Patrick C., 60 years old. Attendee of Ma Pause du Samedi workshop.
Thank you Veronica! Grazie mille for your coaching course during my pregnancy. It helped me a lot to better live the big change my life was having and your tools helped me a lot during the labor itself. Full of kisses and thank you a thousand times!
Emilie M., 30 years old. Individual sessions.
I feel like I have gained 10 years of lifetime. It’s powerful!
Fabienne S., 43 years old. Individual sessions.
It was an amazing experience for me. Thank you.
Cinzia S., 38 years old.Attendee of Ma Pause du Samedi workshop.
About 1 year ago I decided work on myself. On my path I met Veronica and I discovered sophrology through her. An amazing encounter which allowed me to see events and my daily life differently. Thanks to sophrology, I learned simple techniques to put in place daily and which are allowing me to move forward positively in my life. I gained confidence. I gained inner harmony. I learned to listen to my body, to accept my emotions and today I know who I am and the person I want to be! Trust me: the most beautiful project to work on is to work on yourself! A tool for doing this? Sophrology! Thank you for crossing my path. Thank you for still accompanying and coaching me on my way. Thank you for helping me evolving! Thank you for teaching me how to handle my stress! Thank you for this new version of my life that I am living! Thank you for the newfound confidence! Thank you VivreSophro! Thank you Veronica!
Coralie H., 32 years old. Group Corporate sessions.
I am. thanks for your help…
Delphine W., 44 years old. Group Corporate sessions.